Frequent Questions

Digital Kit

What is Digital Kit?

Kit Digital is an initiative of the Government of Spain, whose objective is to subsidize the adoption of digitalization solutions available on the market, provided by Digitalizing Agents, for small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed people. This will facilitate significant progress in their levels of digital maturity and will allow them to advance in digitalization.

What benefits does Digital Kit offer for a business?

Digital Kit offers several benefits for a business, such as:

  • Improving online presence.
  • Increased visibility and exposure.
  • Reach a broader audience.
  • Generation of leads and potential clients.
  • Increase in sales and income.
  • Improved competitiveness in the market.
  • Optimizing digital marketing performance and efficiency.

What type of companies can benefit from the Digital Kit?

The Digital Kit can benefit a wide range of companies, from small businesses and micro-businesses to entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals.

What services are usually included in the Digital Kit?

The services that are usually included in the Digital Kit may vary depending on the Digitizing Agent, but some common services are:

  • Web design and development.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Social network management.
  • Online advertising (SEM).
  • Email marketing.
  • Web analytics and data tracking.
  • Technical support and customer service.
  • Updates and continuous maintenance.

Web Development

What is responsive design and why is it important in web development?

Responsive design is a web design technique that ensures that a website looks good and functions correctly on a variety of devices and screen sizes, such as desktop computers, tablets and smartphones. It is important in web development because it ensures a consistent, high-quality user experience, regardless of the device the user uses to access the website.

What is a domain and how is it related to web development?

A domain is the unique address that identifies a website on the Internet. For example, “” is a domain name. It relates to web development because the domain name you choose will affect the identity and branding of your website, as well as its ability to be found by users online. It is important to choose a domain name that is relevant, easy to remember and related to your business or brand.

What is web hosting and how does it affect web development?

Web hosting is a service that allows you to store and make accessible a website on the Internet. It affects web development because the type of hosting you choose can affect site loading speed, security, scalability, and other technical aspects that can influence user experience and site performance.

What is a CMS (Content Management System) and what are its advantages?

A CMS is a software platform that allows you to create, edit, manage and publish online content easily and efficiently. Some popular examples of CMS include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. The advantages of using a CMS include ease of use, the ability to manage content without technical knowledge, the availability of plugins and themes to customize the site, and the ability to collaborate with other users on content creation.


What are the benefits of having an E-commerce business?

Some of the key benefits of E-commerce include:

  • Global reach: Access to a global audience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Lower operating costs: Less expenses on physical premises rental, personnel and other costs associated with traditional commerce.
  • Greater convenience: Customers can shop anytime, anywhere.
  • Market segmentation: The ability to target specific market niches and adapt the offering according to customer preferences.
  • Data Analytics: The ability to collect and analyze data to better understand customer behavior and optimize marketing and sales strategies.

What are the main E-commerce platforms available?

Some of the main E-commerce platforms include:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce (for WordPress websites)
  • Magento
  • BigCommerce
  • Squarespace Commerce
  • Wix eCommerce
  • PrestaShop
  • Volusion
  • Amazon Marketplace
  • eBay

What are the common challenges in E-commerce and how to overcome them?

Some common challenges in E-commerce include fierce competition, customer retention, online payment security, logistics, and customer service. These challenges can be overcome by implementing effective marketing strategies, offering an exceptional user experience, optimizing logistics processes, and prioritizing data and payment security.

What taxes should I take into account when operating an E-commerce business?

The taxes you must consider when operating an E-commerce business may vary depending on geographic location and local tax laws. Some common taxes include sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), income tax, and import and export taxes.

How can I differentiate my E-commerce store from the competition?

To differentiate your E-commerce store from the competition, you can focus on aspects such as product quality, customer experience, exceptional customer service, personalization of the offer, innovation in design and website functionality , creative marketing strategies and building a strong and authentic brand.

Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing and why is it important for my business?

Digital marketing is a way of promoting products or services using digital channels, such as the Internet and mobile devices. It includes a variety of tactics and strategies, such as SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media, email marketing, and more. It is important for your business because it allows you to reach your target audience effectively at the right place and time, increase the visibility of your brand, generate leads and sales, and compete effectively in today’s market.

What is the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing?

The main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing lies in the channels and media used to promote products or services. Traditional marketing includes tactics such as print advertising (ads in newspapers, magazines), television and radio advertising, billboards, direct marketing (snail mail, phone calls). On the other hand, digital marketing uses online channels such as search engines, social media, email, websites, and mobile apps to reach the target audience. Digital marketing also offers the advantage of being more measurable, customizable, and accessible for a variety of budgets.

What is SEO and why is it important in digital marketing?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website in the organic search results of search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. It is important in digital marketing because most people use search engines to find information, products and services online. Better positioning in search results can increase the visibility of your website, attract more qualified traffic and generate leads and sales.

What role does social media play in digital marketing?

Social media plays an important role in digital marketing by providing platforms where businesses can interact and connect with their target audience in a direct and personalized way. Social media allows you to share content, promote products or services, get customer feedback, generate leads, and increase brand awareness. Additionally, social media offers highly targeted advertising options that allow businesses to reach specific audiences effectively.

Smart Contracts

What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is a digital code that allows assets (such as stocks, money or property) to be exchanged without intermediaries. Imagine an automatic agreement that executes itself thanks to the code.

How do smart contracts affect my life?

Smart contracts simplify processes and save time. For example, they could automate rent payments or property transfers without the need for lawyers.

What are the advantages of smart contracts?

  • Transparency: All parties can see transactions.
  • Security: Records are immutable and protected by cryptography.
  • Efficiency: They automate processes and reduce errors.

What types of transactions or agreements can smart contracts handle?

Smart contracts can manage a wide range of transactions and agreements, including financial exchanges, transfers of ownership, fulfillment of contractual conditions, automated payments, digital asset management, among others.

How is the security and integrity of smart contracts ensured?

The security and integrity of smart contracts are ensured through the use of blockchain technologies, which offer a number of features such as immutability, transparency and decentralization. This means that once a smart contract has been executed, it cannot be modified or deleted, and its execution is recorded in a public ledger, providing greater security and confidence in the validity of the contract.

Are smart contracts legally binding?

The legality and binding of smart contracts may vary depending on jurisdiction and legal interpretation. While smart contracts are designed to execute automatically once programmed conditions are met, legal issues can still arise in cases of disputes or ambiguities in the contract terms. It is important to consult legal experts to determine the validity and legal scope of smart contracts in a specific situation.

What is the cost of using smart contracts?

The cost of using smart contracts can vary depending on the blockchain platform on which they are executed and the computational resources required to execute the contract code. In some blockchains, such as Ethereum, a fee is charged for each operation or code execution, known as gas. The total cost of using a smart contract will depend on the size and complexity of the contract, as well as the current transaction fees on the blockchain network.